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Posts Tagged ‘quilted jacket’

Finish it up {for Mom} Friday!

Posted on: May 9th, 2014 by Lorna McMahon

So back in March, I used this pattern and some Charley Harper prints to make myself a quilted jacket for my birthday.  The final reveal post can be found here. My mom adored this jacket.  And so I offered to make her one for her birthday, too!  She chose the red colourway for her Charlie […]

TGIFF! Charley Harper meets Superior Threads

Posted on: March 21st, 2014 by Lorna McMahon

Welcome to this week’s TGIFF! Today I am showing off my birthday suit! So glad you could make it! For the past three weeks, I have been participating in the 30/30 challenge hosted by Sarah of Berry Barn Designs.  The challenge is to find 30 minutes of me sewing time for 30 days in March.  […]