Sewing Slump Solution

What’s the best way to get yourself out of a sewing slump?

Well they say a change is as good as a rest.

I decided to support a fellow small business owner by purchasing a few pdf patterns for stuffed animals. This Dynamite Donkey caught my eye and I had to make one!

My girlfriend is crazy for donkeys so I now had my motivation…. To make her a donkey friend in her favourite colour. She loves red.

And has since decided to name him Redd.

I am so pleased with how he turned out. Two days work and what a treat to make!

Of course when I was browsing the available patterns, I couldn’t resist a multi buy offer and opted for two additional patterns to go with the donkey.

Stay tuned for an upcoming post featuring the Guinea Pig. And maybe a little later, the goat!
But for now, my sewing mojo has returned and I am back to testing another new quilt design – Fairy Garden.

You can find the Dynamite Donkey and Gertrude Guinea Pig patterns at the Funky Friends Factory website here….
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Keep On Quilting On!

That donkey is really cute Lorna and I really like the fabric you used! I made Plattie Platypus a couple of months ago and it was fun.
He is adorable. I live in New Zealand and there is a kids story book here called “The Wonky Donkey.” You could read it to him…I am sure the you would both love it.
Darling donkey! I too find my joy in quilting by changing it up. I often will make potholders for our quilt guild to sell at craft fairs. They are very satisfying as they make up quickly and often turn out really fun using fresh fabrics.