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Farm Fun and some sun

Posted on: June 24th, 2023 by Lorna McMahon

On June 21st, my sister and I celebrated the first day of summer and National Indigenous Peoples Day by taking a quilt for a drive to Kettle Point, Ontario.

Just across the lake from the USA.

The shore was covered in shale. A very pleasant place for dipping your toes in the water.

The weather was also perfect.

Visiting here was good for the soul!

The Farm Fun quilt is one of five quilts I have recently finished and it’s the largest.

Making these blocks was a lot of fun. But I ended up working on some other projects and waited to put these together until I was ready to start quilting it.

I made a few extra blocks and used them on the backing, between a half width of fabric and a full width of fabric.

This quilt is dear to my heart as I certainly miss being on the farm and having cows and calves of our own.

My Farm Fun quilt finished 64” x 75” 

Pattern contains additional sizes and options.

Now available in my shop!

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Keep On Quilting On!

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One Response

  1. Kathleen McCormick says:

    What a perfect day and a perfect photo shoot. Just love your farm quilt and seeing your smiling face!