Farm Fun pattern release
Thank YOU for helping to celebrate the NEXT 10 years of Sew Fresh Quilts!

MOOOOVE over 2022! Today, I would like to introduce to you, my first pattern release for 2023…
Farm Fun!

This 18 page pattern includes 3 Quilt Sizes and 3 Setting Options, as shown in these photos.

Small 44” x 52” – with Barn, Silo & Tree or with Barn, Tractor & Driving Shed
Large 64” x 75” – with ALL the blocks and a White Picket Fence
Adding more borders is 76” x 87”

Although I have made all my test blocks for this pattern, I am not truly HAPPY with all of my blocks. So I am planning a stack of blocks for the center of the backing or to make the baby quilt size next!

I learned a lot about choosing fabrics that provided better contrast. For example, I was not happy with the Cow block because of closeness in value between the light pink Nose/Mouth against the light Chest/Snout. It is difficult to see from a distance and they seem to blend together.
I have included a list of Tips for Success at the beginning of the pattern, making not of fabric choices and other helpful advice. As you can see with this little Calf block, the Eyes and the darkness of the face fabrics are blending together as well. The eyes would be lost if not for those cute eye lashes! And again, you can see that the light pink Nose is blending with the cream Chest fabric.

I was thinking my grey duck looked a little dull next to the crisp white of the cute chicken block.
And the light and dark pinks chosen for this pig just don’t have enough of a difference in value either!

BUT…. the little Tractor is so cute. I appreciate the wonkiness of how my wee steering wheel turned out!!!

Got her parked in the Driving Shed no problem!!! You can find the pattern here.
I finished my Winter Wonderland quilt just before Christmas and shared it on Instagram and Facebook, but am planning a post for later this week here on the blog. Mostly, I spent my Christmas holiday home with my two kids and shoveling out from a big dump of snow. It was great to be stuck at home. The roads were closed for Christmas Day. What a Peaceful time!
However, I did manage to get some stitching in and I have a couple of quilt tops waiting to be quilted.
More to come!!!
Hope you all enjoyed a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Stitching in the NEW YEAR!
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Keep On Quilting On!

So cute! What a wonderful collection of whimsical animals and farm things. I keep re-learning the contrast lesson. When the pieces are big the contrast can look adequate but sometimes the little sections in a block just blend together. I suspect that plenty of other quilters learn that repeatedly as well. The blocks will make a wonderful addition to a quilt back!
I love the barns and the sheep. Both things I don’t own but just love to pieces.
Adorable pattern! I might have to make this for my 3 year old grandson this year! Keep up the great work, Lorna! You’re an inspiration!