MCM Couch Potato
This little finish has me pumped to make even more of these blocks and make a bigger quilt.

For my test blocks, I decided to dig into my solids. I wanted to test each couch style, so I found a little piece in my stash for the background as well. Just enough for this Couch quilt to hang behind your couch?

As is my signature style, quilted using organic wavy lines, from edge to edge.

Dove into my remaining solids for another backing. I also added corner tabs and a few extra loops through the center of the top, so this can hang with a stick…. If I can find one.

My “Couch Potato” quilted wall hanging finished at 28.5″ tall by 61″ long.
The MCM Couch Potato pattern actually gives instructions for two different block sizes.
My wall hanging was using the larger blocks that finish at 12″ tall by 28″ wide.
But the pattern also provides instructions for blocks that finish at 6″ tall by 14″ wide.
This quilt layout shown below, which I am planing to make next, is provided in the pattern.
I just have to find the RIGHT background!
The finished size is 50″ x 50″ OR 98″ x 98″.

You can find the pattern here in my NEW SHOP!
Keep On Quilting On!


Wow. Your creativity knows no bounds. Well done.
I can see this pattern as a pillow. A couch pillow on your couch!