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Posts Tagged ‘quilting detail’

Equilateral Triangle Quilt – Finished!

Posted on: April 25th, 2014 by Lorna McMahon

Introducing my Triangle Quilt Along baby quilt… Completely completed! I started quilting by stitching in the ditch around the focus triangle. Quilting Detail Then I spiral quilted around this block, alternating between 1/4″ and 3/4″ spacing. Spiral Quilting And then returned to that focus triangle to add one final outline of quilting inside the triangle. […]

Binding Inside Corners Tutorial

Posted on: April 11th, 2014 by Lorna McMahon

The Triangle Quilt Along with Paula of The Sassy Quilter has been a blast! It’s been great to follow along with everyone’s progress each week. And it’s fun to see how differently each quilt looks as they are developing. I have my rows all pieced and my top is finished! My friend, Judy of Quilt […]