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Catholes quilt finish

Posted on: June 28th, 2023 by Lorna McMahon

For those of you who aren’t offended by a cat’s butt…

Thank you for understanding why I had to share this design.

Cat’s don’t mean to offend anyone either.

Happy cats like to hold their tails high. Like a mood gauge, you can tell a cat feels comfortable around you when they wave that tail in the air. I think they do it for attention…

I chose pink scribbles for the binding, but came up short at the end, so found this black and white print in my “binding scraps bucket” to fill in the gap.

Well then… enough about the front.

The black and white text print was leftover from a previously made quilt. The bouquets of roses has been in my stash FOREVER. And I am pleased with the results of mashing them together for this backside.

I have been really scraping the bottom of the “fabric barrel” and getting things used up.

My Catholes quilt finished 58” x 68” 

This finished quilt (and many others) are listed for sale in my Etsy shop here.

If you are interested in making your own Catholes quilt, the pattern is available here…

The pattern contains instructions for two sizes: 54″ x 54″ and 58″ x 68″.

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Keep On Quilting On!

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