Zoo Keeper

Introducing Zoo Keeper 1 and Zoo Keeper 2!

Zoo Keeper 1 features a zebra and a giraffe.

Zoo Keeper 2 features an elephant, some bananas and a few cheeky monkeys.

Both of these are backed in a cozy minky that inspired me to design these zoo animals.

Planning on donating both of these to a local hospital gift shop!

Want to make your own?

Quit monkeying around!!!

Zoo Keeper 1 Finishes 31” x 43”
Zoo Keeper 2 Finishes 40” x 43”

If you are interested in making your own quilt, the pattern is available here…
PS. I had previously been using Google’s free feedburner service for following by email. They have discontinued their services, so I have a new free email service for following called follow.it
If you choose, you can sign up HERE!
Keep On Quilting On!

Oh my goodness, these quilts are so cute! It amazes me that you can dream up so many unique quilt patterns. What a great talent you have!