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Welcome Spring and Looking Forward to SUMMER!

Posted on: May 17th, 2020 by Lorna McMahon
It’s time for Back2School!
Welcome CLASS!!!!!
Introducing this ultimate ABC’s and 123’s quilt pattern!
This Alphabet pattern Letter blocks can be constructed in three sizes: 5″, 10″ or 20″
This pattern also includes Numeral blocks and some Punctuation.
This Back2School Alphabet series is also accompanied by companion packs!
H is for Honey Bunny
These companion packs are sold separately from the alphabet pattern.
And will enable you to make your quilt, your own way!
For example, the A is for Apple companion pack includes instructions for four Apple Blocks.
Together, the Alphabet pattern and the A is for Apple pattern, enable you to make this!
Another Companion Pack is the B is for Bird pack


P is for Pet



S is for Summner


F is for Fall


With this pattern series, the only limit is YOUR imagination!!!

I am so excited to be working ahead on writing the instructions for more of these companion packs!!!
But meanwhile….
YOU can head to my shop to register for class NOW!
Click here to get your Back2School Alphabet PDF pattern today.
And while you are there, please feel free to browse my currently available companion packs!
The WHOLE pattern series is on SALE for 50% off until the END of MAY!!!



Stay Safe and…


Keep On Quilting On!




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2 Responses

  1. Lorna, you are always inspiring. I love your patterns!!!

  2. Wow….so many great companion patterns. I can't wait to see what else you release. Keep that creative mind going!