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Koala Love UPDATE

Posted on: December 5th, 2019 by Lorna McMahon


After receiving an email request for a Koala pattern, I showed you my first finished block in this post, and told you all about my plans to donate 50% of the proceeds of the sale of this pattern to help the koalas in Australia. And now the quilt is complete. So I wanted to give you an update.

First the finished quilt details…..



“Koala Love” finished at 50″ x 50″




The Koala blocks finish at 14” x 14″

I used this Holiday Sparkle fabric I have had in my stash for years for the backing.


Although I truly enjoyed choosing fabrics from my stash to make the Koala Love quilt, I gotta admit, I also had fun changing it up so you can make this pattern look different every time!





Click here to buy the Koala Love PATTERN.

I also have the finished quilt listed in my shop. Click here to buy the Koala Love COMPLETED QUILT. $100 from the sale of this QUILT will go directly to the Australian Koala Hospital.

As of the end of November, in 3 days, we had raised $418.25 to be split between NSW Koala Hospital and Rural Fire Services Australia. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

Withing the next 4 days, we raised an additional $233.50, for a total of $651.75.

It is my goal by the end of 2019 to reach a grand total of $1000. 

Sometimes we are faced with things that seem impossible. But with LOVE…. ALL things are possible.

Please share with your online quilting groups on Facebook and Instagram

AND your real life quilting friends and guild members too!




Keep On Quilting On!




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3 Responses

  1. They are so adorable. I love that you include hearts. That's an amazing amount you have fundraised.

  2. Thank you so much, that is such a good idea to donate to koala rehabilitation. The fires are still burning – nearly 950,000 acres so far! There will be so much wild life in need in the coming months as their habitat has been burned to a crisp. Luckily I live in the south so have not been impacted by the fires or the smoke/dust.( Well so far that is as our fire season will be coming soon) We are doing what we can, and it is so nice to see support coming from other parts of the world :)Sam the Aussie