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HPQAL – Helpful Updates

Posted on: May 20th, 2019 by Lorna McMahon

Hello Everyone!

I received the following email from Sharon, and responded in this previous post “HPQAL Alert“: 

Hi there!
I’ve never done paper piecing so maybe I’m misunderstanding. But the dimensions for the rooftop #7 are different in the pattern than the size listed on the paper pieces. The half size says 1”x1” by the paper pieces say 1.5”x1.5”. I checked the full size and those are listed differently as well. The other rooftop pieces I think all match. Can you help?

NEW Reply 
I believe Sharon has mistaken the first piece (A) measuring 1″ square, listed in the Black fabric cutting instructions, as the ROOFTOP #7 matching piece. No, the 2 Black (H) measuring 1.5″ square are the ROOFTOP #7 matching pieces.


Maryann has left a new comment on your post “HPQAL Alert“: 

I’m not a paper piecer either. Thought my printer was the culprit. Maybe a 1″ box on the 1st pattern page would help us check our sizes. Thanks for the great patterns and wonderful quilt. Making mine for my bestie. 


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment Maryann! I am also not a paper piecer. But I wondered about the printer issue some others may be having so this morning I revisited the PDF for the half sized templates as I am currently testing the small Castle blocks now. And this has prompted me to reply with this blogpost. I think adding the 1″ box is a wonderful suggestion. I certainly will be adding it to any patterns I should come up with involving paper piecing going forward.




Unknown has left a new comment on your post “HPQAL Alert“: 

I measured all of my half-size templates and they seem to all be 1/8″ off. I was just going to leave extra fabric and try to trim to the size noted at the top, not the size of the actual pattern. Hopefully, that will work! 


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I have my fingers crossed that your progress is going well…. But I doubt this is going to work. I am recommending printing off the pages at 110% size and am hoping the following tutorial will help everyone to do so.



Ulrikes Smaating has left a new comment on your post “HPQAL Alert“: 

Hey Lorna,
should the pieces for the roofs measure (for example). 
Half #7- 1 ” including seams? I have printed them out with 110%, so it matches. But with seams 1/4 “around. 
Or should they be 1″ without seams?
best wishes ulrike :0) 


Thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I am so glad you have figured out how to print these pages to the proper size and it matches. The seams have been included on the templates.

About the Castle Roof question…
I am right now testing the half size version of the Castle #1 and found one error in the cutting instructions. Dark Grey (P) 1 @ 2″ x 4.5″
Right now I just went to the post and clicked on the link to the half size PDF for the paper piecing of the roofs. I set up a HOW TO print using 100% size in case your printer chosses FIT TO PAGE as a default. And am printing off the pages to check the sizes. THESE WERE FOUND TO BE TOO SMALL…….
I changed my printer settings to print at 110% size and it is perfect. Writing a blog post now to address these questions and help those having printer issues.
7 – half 1.5″ x 1.5″ means the ROOF7 piece you make using the paper template will be 1.5″ x 1.5″ including the seam allowance which is SHOWN on the paper template. See how the triangle A1 is meeting the seam allowances at the bottom corners and at the top seam allowance in the center??????
7 – half 1.5″ x 1.5″ is the ROOF for TOWER Dark Grey (J) 1.5″ x 2″

SO THE ROOF7 piece has to match the 1.5″ of the top of TOWER Dark Grey (J)


To download the FULL SIZED Hogwarts paper pieced ROOFTOPS printable PDF, click here.

To download the HALF SIZED Hogwarts paper pieced ROOFTOPS printable PDF, click here.



For the HALF SIZED ROOFTOPS, I found printing at 110% provided the correct size templates.
For the FULL SIZED ROOFTOPS, I found printing at 110% provided the correct size templates, EXCEPT for the ROOFTOP #7 page which I printed at 140%.
How to print the PDF at 110%
Open the PDF by clicking on the links above. Click on the PRINTER icon found on the top right.

A printer window will appear. Click on MORE SETTINGS found on the bottom left.

Click on SCALE and change from FIT TO PAGE to CUSTOMIZED.


Change CUSTOMIZED to 110%.

Click on PRINT



2 Responses

  1. robin says:

    I am thoroughly confused about the sizing, but i guess I will figure it out.

  2. Maryann says:

    Awesome, Lorna! Sizes for the full size are right on! Thanks so much!!