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Texas – We Love You!

Posted on: September 4th, 2017 by Lorna McMahon


Back a month or so ago, I mentioned that I am making my first ever trip to a quilting event. I have been accepted as a new exhibitor for Quilt Market and am going to Houston, Texas at the end of October.

The whole idea of going is initially kinda scary. Texas is a long drive from up here in the great white north. But lately I have been looking more and more forward to this opportunity.

And then Harvey steps in.

Although I am not a follower of current events and only watch the news when my husband puts it on, I can’t help noticing that Hurricane Harvey, has and is, doing a lot of damage and causing a lot of pain and sorrow for the people of Texas. My heart goes out to them and they are in my prayers daily. Especially while sitting at my sewing machine.

Then on Saturday, I came across this post on Instagram by Kristy of Quiet Play. Kristy says….

I’ve designed a little geometric Texas pattern to help raise funds for those in need after Hurricane Harvey.
This 10″ block pattern is available now in my Craftsy shop (direct link in profile) and ALL proceeds from the sale of this pattern will be donated to a charity providing direct financial aid to those needing it most in the aftermath of the hurricane. I may be on the other side of the world in Australia, but knowing a few quilters in Texas, and heading there myself for Quilt Market in October, well, this is part of my way of helping out.
Head over to Craftsy and grab your pattern now – and tell your friends! ❤️ (search “geometric Texas” to find it quickly)
if you’re looking for somewhere in Texas to donate finished quilts, check out @thelinusconnection 😊
#quietplaypatterns #quiltsforharvey”


Now you gotta know….. I am not a paper piecer.

And have only ever made one block. Because you really should try everything once.

But I was all over this!

ALL of the proceed from the sale of the Geometric Texas pattern by Kristy will be donated to a charity providing direct financial aid to those needing it most in the aftermath of the hurricane.

So I purchased a pattern and got to work.

When I was satisfied that Texas was looking pretty good in it’s Geometric Rainbow goodness, I used my Mitered Borders tutorial to make this 10″ block a little bigger, as I intend to make this into a cushion cover.

Then I thought about the suggestion Kristy provided on how you could donate finished quilts. I have a few of those! So I went to The Linus Connection website and found this page for more information on how we can send quilts for Hurricane Harvey evacuees.

Please, if you would like to help, click on the links above to find out more information.

You can send quilts you are willing to donate to:

The Linus Connection


P.O. Box 29491


Austin, Texas 78755

I decided on a box size and then went through my quilts to find what I could manage to fit. These are the quilts I am sending. I hope they will bring a little comfort to some kids in this time of need. A few quilty hugs for Texas!






If you would like to help the displaced families effected by Hurricane Harvey with a monetary donation, please consider purchasing the Geometric Texas pattern by Kristy of Quiet Play here. She’s not asking for a lot of money for a such a cute pattern, but every little bit helps!


Or if you have a finished quilt(s) that you would like to donate, please consider sending it/them to The Linus Connection. Click here for more information.

EDITED TO ADD: Sarah of Confessions of a Fabric Addict is also putting out the call for those of you who may be willing to help. She is looking for people who are willing to donate pillowcases and finished quilts. For more information, you can read her post here.

EDITED TO ADD: Although Sarah’s post does provide information about this other wonderful group who can distribute finished quilts to those in need, I am providing you a direct link to Quilts of Compassion.

Keep On Quilting On!




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18 Responses

  1. Robin says:

    Bought the Texas block to be. Hopefully can turn it into something for the evacuees. Knowing where I live could be next, I always try to do what I can for other hurricaine victims. (

  2. Jo says:

    Good job. You say you are in Australia. So where about…

  3. Wowie, Lorna, you are incredible.I love this quilt. You are always so inspiring

  4. Oh my goodness, what a huge heart you have, Lorna. I am sure those quilts are going to mean a lot to the recipients.

  5. Pat says:

    Great idea to decide on a box size first. Texas will be needing quilts for quite some time so I'll have time to whip up a couple more kid-size quilts to go with what I already have finished. Those \”if it fits it ships\” boxes are great.

  6. Thank you. Texas is my home state (tho I'm misplaced in Illinois). We have lots of family that live all around Houston. Thank goodness, only one lost her home, and, since it had already been damaged, she wasn't living in it at the time. I'll be getting that pattern. I follow Kristi's blog, but, didn't get this post.

  7. Very generous of you Lorna… anyone would be thrilled to receive these fabulous quilts!

  8. Lisa J. says:

    Those quilts will bring a lot of joy. Thanks for sharing these links Lorna.

  9. Yanicka says:

    Got the pattern. Thank you

  10. Warm Quilts says:

    Love your Texas state square. Thanks for sharing the links with us and for showing the quilts you're sending. You're an Aussie Angel!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much for posting this! I live in the Dallas are and have been looking for ways to donate. 🙂

  12. KaHolly says:

    Thanks for the heads up!

  13. KaHolly says:

    P. S. You are so very generous! Your quilts will be cherished by each child who receives one!

  14. Your block looks great. Kudos for attempting paper piecing.

  15. Cheryl says:

    Beautiful block and such a great way to help out Texas. I need to get this pattern.

  16. Thanks for posting this! I love paper piecing! Another great organization that has been deploying groups to personalize deliver quilts after disasters is Quilts of Compassion ( They are also on FB, and you can see the long list of places they have served.

  17. The Texas pattern is already gone from the shop. That was fast!

  18. Robin says:

    Reply to Jo; I live in Dunedin,Florida which is just north of Clearwater on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. As of today we still have no power from Hurricane Irma but at least we are back in our home with lots of clean up to do.