Hello there! It’s me!
Posted on: January 31st, 2017 by Lorna McMahon
If you are a regular at Sew Fresh Quilts, you may have noticed things have changed this past week. If you are prepared to hear the long version of the story, I am ready to share some news with you today.
After much consideration, I have decided on the addition of a new left hand sidebar. This new sidebar is primarily to allow for the placement of paid advertising (Blog Sponsors) and affiliate advertising (Affiliate Links). The layout of Sew Fresh Quilts is perhaps a little cluttered looking now and kinda squishy. But I wanted to be completely up front with you about my reasoning for this new addition. And to disclose to you, “What exactly does this mean????”
If you are reading this post by having it delivered to your email, you won’t know what I’m talking about unless you click on through to visit my blog here….
Many quilters don’t blog. And a lot of quilters do blog. Some quilting bloggers do so purely for their own enjoyment and to meet other like-minded creative people who are willing to share what they are making too. And then there are a few quilting bloggers who want to do that AND find that they enjoy it so much, they want to make it their business.
Over the years, I have striven to share quilting knowledge with the sweet people who read my quilting blog. In the early days I wrote a lot of tutorials and tips that you can see hereย and here. I felt that if there were new techniques I was learning, there would be others who would like to learn these techniques too. And that is something I wanted to share with my fellow quilters and those who, like I had been, were scouring the internet in search of answers to their quilty questions.
Mr. Google, “How do I ________________? “
It took me a while to develop my skills. And to develop friendships. The
Let’s Bee Social weekly Wednesday link up has been going on for over three years now and I am so thankful that my friends keep coming back. It’s so nice to have you linking up, supporting the party and participating in making others feel welcome. Your visits to the others who link up mean a lot to me! I do appreciate it so much when I see the names of my friends in the comments on other people’s blogs and read all the kind and encouraging comments that you leave. And this has made me very happy. Quilting makes me content. Blogging makes me feel like I have a place and a people that I belong. And together these things have taken me to new heights.
During the last couple of years, I have ventured even further. I started developing a style of my own. And to design and sell my own quilt patterns. And to get out into the real world and meet people in real life through offering trunk shows and workshops to guilds within my area. Really, this is what surprises me the most. I am a home-body by nature. I like my alone time. I live for the wearing of my pajamas. But I am having so much fun with everything that this new step has brought into my life.
My sense of independence has been restored. I feel like my life, once again, has a purpose beyond being wife, mom, head cook and bottle washer. For those who doubted it could be done…. For those who “gave me that look” – you know the one where they roll their eyes and snicker – when I told them I am quilting…. I am proud, happy and content to say that, “I am quilting as a business.”
I don’t yet know what tomorrow will bring, but I am so glad to be on this journey and to be sharing in your journey, too. Each day is a joy. And I’ll do the dishes tomorrow.
But just because I am “quilting as a business” doesn’t mean that I don’t still want to have fun. For the last two years I have been hosting
Quilt Alongs here on the blog, and those have been, and are, so much fun for me. Sure… I sell patterns, and I REALLY appreciate those of you who do make purchases from my shop. But with a quilt along, we interact! And I love to be able to see what you are making! And what fabrics you chose! And it’s like one big quilt along party!
So…. Oh, ya…. What was I talking about again?
Quilting. Blogging. Business… Disclosure, ya! That’s it!
This past year things have really developed. I reached the limit for how much you can earn without having to charge sales tax, so now my fellow Canadian customers will find that, according to your provincial taxation regulations, this tax is added to your online order. As a business owner, I want to be able to maximize my earnings. But I don’t want to stop sharing the free stuff. What free stuff? Tutorials. Quilt Alongs. Quilt Blocks. Giveaways. All of this free stuff, in addition to the patterns I develop, take time to create, prepare, organize, write posts for, and stuff. So in an effort to earn more money, instead of ending the free stuff, I decided to add a sidebar with Blog Sponsors and Affiliate Links.
What are Blog Sponsors? Blog Sponsors are typically quilt fabric shop owners who are willing to pay to have their logo and a link to their website shared on your blog for a monthly fee. Do you ever purchase fabric online? If so, do you ever go to that fabric shop website by clicking on a logo found in a quilting bloggers sidebar? If you do, you are helping that quilting blogger to generate sales for their sponsors. And that makes everyone happy. The quilt shop sees that there is traffic coming from the blog they are sponsoring. So they are happy that their ad is working to generate sales. The blogger is happy that the sponsor is happy and wants to continue to pay to have their logo on the blog. And best of all….. The online fabric shopper is happy because they were going to make a purchase anyways… Why not support the blogger to make their business grow?
What are Affiliate Links?ย Affiliate Links are ads that link to the website of the advertiser/seller. Typically, these affiliate links do not provide the blogger with any monetary gain unless there is a sale generated from shoppers clicking on the ad and making a purchase. The cycle of happiness works much the same way as it does in the Blog Sponsor situation.
Now that I have rambled on all this time….
And if you are still here after all that….
Thank you for hearing me out. And I hope you can understand my reasoning for adding the new sidebar. I mean, there is no way I would add any Blog Sponsors or Affiliate Links that I didn’t believe I would purchase from myself. I do! In searching out interest for blog sponsors, the first thing I did was reach out to those whom I have already been purchasing from for years.
Now then, my friend….
Let’s take some time to ponder the excitement generated by a GIVEAWAY….
Quilty Planner’s Dream |
Orange Peel Template Set and 4 FUN PATTERNS |
Quilter’s Patch book By Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts |
First Blush Block of the Month book by It’s Sew Emma Patterns |
And 2 Sew Fresh Quilts patterns of choice
The Quilty Planner set, the Orange Peel Template set, theย Quilter’s Patch book and the First Blushย book were all sent to me by Fat Quarter Shop as a gift, LONG BEFORE THE MENTION OF SPONSORSHIP OR PAID ADVERTISING WAS EVER MENTIONED. I know I won’t use these items and I want to pass these gifts all along to my readers. I will personally be covering the cost of shipping these items to the winners. Paying it FORWARD!
There are 5 separate prizes and there will be 5 individual winners chosen.
How do you enter the giveaway contest?
Follow the instructions on the RaffleCopter.com widget below!
This Giveaway is open internationally.
Winner will be randomly chosen on February 14th and notified by email.
Be sure to leave your email address on the Rafflecopter widget.
Good Luck in the Contest and….
Keep On Quilting On!
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Black birds and Rural Squirrel are my favorites.
Aubade by Janet Clare is gorgeous.
Giraffe Love and the one with two Foxes under a Tree are my favorites.
I like Freedom by Sweetwater.
Behind the Scenes and Blackbirds are my favourites
Black Birds and Forest Friends are the 2 patterns I'd want ๐
Hi Lorna, I read the whole explanation concerning the sidebar, and you know what, you rock girl ! I think it is very logical that you added it, and I have no problem at all with this kind of promotion.Love, Carla !
Layer Cake choice: Cheddar & Indigo by Nancy Gere (avail. in April)Thank you for this awesome giveaway chance.
Oops I forgot to mention my favorite patterns :squirrels in the park and little hamsters <3
And the meow or never layer cake !!!
Liebe Lorna, dein Bericht war sehr informativ, aber mach dich mal nicht verrรผckt, es ist alles ok!Ich liebe deine Rentiere und die Waschbรคren, aber eigentlich liebe ich alle Anleitungen von dir, die Auswahl fรคllt mir sehr schwer!Liebe GrรผรeSteffi
Das Buch von Edita Sitar und der Quilty Planer gefallen mir sehr sehr gut!
Liebe Lorna,also aus deinen vielen schรถnen Pattern wรผrde ich CatTreats und Squirrels in the parc nehmen. Die Giraffenfamilie hat mir eine liebe Freundin als Krabbeldecke fรผr den Kleinen geschenkt und wir lieben sie.LG, Rike
Und ich w0rde das Fat Quarter Paket 'Sweet Dreams Little One' nehmen und eine Krabbeldecke drauร nรคhen. Vielen Dank fรผr die Verlosung!
Good luck with this next big step. I can tell you since I started following your blog I have learnt so much from you about quilting and blogging. This is one great adventure. My favourite patterns are Moderitional Bear Paws and the Elephant parade. Along with Ville fleurie Layer cake.
I would choose O Canada 150 and Forest Friends (can) although there certainly are a lot of great patterns to choose from.
I think my favourite layer cake is the Hummingbird bali crackers, but there were so many I like that it was difficult to choose just one.
Farm Friends and Little Blooms! Those are my favourites! Thank you Lorna! x Tejenerospost(at)gmail(dot)com
Hi Lorna! Your blog is so good and I think the second sidelist makes it even better! It's nice to have things organized and there are so many things and info we like to share in our blogs. I would be very happy with the 'Hey Dot' by Zen Chic layer cake! x Tejenerospost(at)gmail(dot)com
I would choose Giraffe Family and Modernitional Bear Paw patterns. Thanks for holding these giveaways!
As for layer cakes, so hard to choose but I'd probably go with Gratitude or Baltimore Blues as a first choice.
Liberty kind of fabrics always catches me..so I chooseBirds of Liberty 10 inch SquaresDarlene Zimmerman for Robert Kaufman Fabrics
Liberty kind of fabrics always catches me..so I chooseBirds of Liberty 10 inch SquaresDarlene Zimmerman for Robert Kaufman Fabrics
I have loved watching you grow into your own style! Great inspiration. As for the affiliate and Ad – you deserve credit and earnings with all those hard work. you are an inspiring blogger!
I would pick Blackbirds and Butterfly patterns. I'm really happy that your business is growing. Keep up the good work.
I would pick Blackbirds and Butterfly patterns. I'm really happy that your business is growing. Keep up the good work.
I can't pass up on some Cotton & Steel Boo! Ten by tens
I can't pass up on some Cotton & Steel Boo! Ten by tens
It's so wonderful to see you and your business grown Lorna … long may it continue !!!
Elephant Parade is my favorite and I already own it. Elephants have a very special place in my heart. Giraffe Love and Jungle Friends would make fun playmates for my elephant friends.If you are able to make a quilting hobby into a business then of course ads make sense. I don't mind the squished look at all. But please avoid the pop ups!
I love all of your patterns! I guess your dogs and elephants are my favorites, but I would like to make several more!
I love WoW-E and the butterfly quilt!
I love Hazelwood by One Canoe Two!
Autumn Stonehenge Stone Tiles. Or anything batik!
So many to choose from but maybe Forest friends and Blackbirds. I could really use that Aunt Grace right now.
So many of your patterns are favs of mine, but my two most favorite would have to be Elephants on Parade and the Santa Claus table runner. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet
Love your patterns and the clear directions. Good luck in the new venture. Canada 150 would be my cchoice.
My grandson has always loved nutcrackers – and even has some displayed year-round. Nutcracker Christmas by Riley Blake Designs could make a great snuggle quilt for him and his family. kathleendotlutzatcomcastdotnet
What a lot of quilt patterns, Lorna. My favourites are the WoW-E Quilt Pattern and Little Blooms.
I have loved your Blackbirds pattern ever since you designed that quilt. I think next Christmas I'll ask for it as a present. I also like your Little Blooms quilt. Thanks for the give-away. villacrestfarm@gmail.com
I love rural squirrel and the forest friends quilt. I just finished my elephant parade quilt top!
Lorna – I read your blog every day and there is always something of interest to read about. I don't always comment but I appreciate all the hard work you put into writing and all the freebies you share with your readers. Thank you! ๐
I would select Aunt Grace 10\” squares designed by Julie Rothermel for Marcus Fabrics. I like the 30's prints. villacrestfarm@gmailcom
First Crush Layer Cake is the one I'd choose. Thanks for the chance, Lorna. So pleased you are enjoying your blogging/quilting adventure, and taking it to new heights.
I would choose Jungle Friends & Farm Friends. Love your patterns.
I'd pick Lorikeet Bali Crackers by Hoffman Fabrics. Thanks again.
I would pick FARM FRIENDS & BUTTERFLIES – 2 great patterns ๐
Thanks for the chance to win , I would choose the layer cake .Sue Sue52g@gmail.com
i would choose Pinking of You essential 10-karat mini prints by Wilmington fabrics
My favorite patterns are Jungle Friends and the Raccoons quilt. Love your designs!
Loved your blog post :)! I have most of your patterns, but the Hamster and Racoon ones are ones I hope to make soon.
For my Layer Cake from FQS, I would choose Rainy Day, by Me & My Sister Designs! Thank you for these giveaway chances, Lorna :)!
All your patterns are adorable but I love Flowers and Forest Friends.
Doohickey Designs \”Wistful Winds\” is the sweetest, it's on my must have list.
I just LOVE the bikini pattern (I have not worn one in 40 years!) and also a pattern that I cannot fin din your shop: it is a Dachshubd pattern (a quilt with rows and rows of Dachshunds each wearing a different plaid coat). I have seen pictures of it on Pinterest but cannot locate it in your shop….
I just LOVE the bikini pattern (I have not worn one in 40 years!) and also a pattern that I cannot fin din your shop: it is a Dachshubd pattern (a quilt with rows and rows of Dachshunds each wearing a different plaid coat). I have seen pictures of it on Pinterest but cannot locate it in your shop….
I would buy Racoon and Farm Friends. Wow, I know what the earning limit used to be, when I was a contract employee of an engineering firm, I'm pretty impressed! Congrats!
I could use the Layer Cake First Crush.
I have always liked your Wow-E quilt , a real stunner and Elephants on Parade! You are a prolific pattern writer!
I would pick the Volume II layer cake by Sweetwater.
I have been collecting elephants for many years, so elephants is my choice. I do love all the animals that you make from bears to birds.
I'm so glad your quilting business is doing so well Lorna. You have such a knack for these animal quilts. I love how you piece them together, with no paper piecing. You do a lovely job. I love chain quilts, so my patterns would be WoW-E and Stepping stones. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Thanks for all your hard work!
Hi Lorna, thank you for this wonderful chance to win. I appreciate all your honest blogs and your hard work that obviously goes into your patterns. Difficult to choose 2, but I would go for the penguins and the elephant parade. Am enjoying following along with the holly jolly quilt.
I would choose Coney Island layer cake.
As for the layer cake, I would choose Chestnut Street as I'm just discovering Fig Tree fabric and love it.
I've always loved black birds quilt and wow-ee. Both stunning!
The layer cake I'd choose from the FQS is Just another walk in the woods.
I LOVE the Ugly sweater pattern, and I would also like to have the Squirrels in the Park pattern. Both are too cute!
Giraffe Love & Fox & Friends
I think that the 1930 Bella Solids would be a great choice to make up one of your patterns!
Vintage Crayola Confetti Cottons 10\” Stacker Riley Blake Designs
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the chicken ranch and squirrels in the park.
I like Poinsettia & On Point!
I really like Little Ruby by Bonnie and Camille
I love your Black Birds and Wow-E Quilts. I also think your blog looks great and not to squishy. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com
I've always loved Kate Spain's Latitude for Moda. Thanks, grinnie1961 at gmail dot com
I like Garnet 10\” Stacker Nancy Zieman for Penny Rose Fabrics
The two patterns I would choose are the Elephant Walk (on my list of quilts to try) and Jungle Friends. Your quilts are so cute…there are so many I would like to try if only I had the time!
My favourite patterns are Black Birds and the Christmas Santa's Reindeers.
My favorite patterns (it was so hard to choose!) are: Elephant Parade and Squirrels in the Park. (I live near a park famous for its white squirrels!)
At FQ Shop I LOVE the Batik's Color Daze Layer Cake. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
Definitely the Tula Pink Slow & Steady 10\” squares.
The layer cake I would choose is Chestnut Street by Fig Tree Quilts.
Oh hard to choose. Farm Friends and Forest Friends. Thanks for a chance to win!
I like Clean Slate Essential 10 Karat Mini-Jewels Wilmington Prints.
Way to go! One need only see your lovely patterns to know how hard you have worked to make them 'real' so that a whole lot of quilters can enjoy making them. Congratulations.P.S. I too like my 'alone time' and have always been a homebody.
I love chicken ranch and on point! Bunt honestly the are hard to choose from. I like them all.
So hard to choose. Love the Elephant Parade and Zebra patterns
Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway. I have never seen any of these items in my neck of the woods.
I have been wanting the Desert Bloom line for a while now. Thanks for the chance!
Forest Friends and O Canada 150 are my favorite patterns right now, but ask me again in a few months and I'm sure your newest patterns will usurp them! I love all your patterns and had so much fun with my first one, So Dog Gone Cute! Thanks for your post explaining the changes to your blog. It helps us understand from your perspective. Thank you for the generous giveaway.
Easy—Flowers Quilt and Chicken Ranch. Not so easy actually-there are so many I like, but those are my current favorites!
I would pick the Black Birds and Butterfly quilts.
Aubade – A Song to the Dawn
Farm Friends and Forest Friends.
A Song to the Dawn Layer Cake
Ahhhhh—-too many wonderful choices! I really liked Bespoke Blues.
It's always a pleasure to see a fellow quilter succeed! I have been a long time reader via Bloglovin. Your patterns are always such fun! Thank you for hosting another great quilt along! And, thank you for the chances to win one of your giveaways!
I don't want to be included in the give-away (I don't think I'd use those items, either), but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog and looking at what you are doing with your patterns. Thank you! If you had a dollar for every time you brought a smile to my face, you would be a rich woman, indeed!!! (lynnstck[at]yahoo.com)
thank you for the giveaway. I love both the watermelon and stepping stone table runners.Robin in Washington Stateassweetaspeaches@hotmail.com
SpectrumLayer cake is modern with some text fabrics. How can I go wrong! I've been following you for several years and I am so impressed with how you have found your niche. I'm so glad to see a fellow Canadian doing so well.
Gotta be Kissy Fishy and My Pet Hamster for me! akronne17@gmail.com
I already have several of your patterns, but I don't yet have Jungle Friends or Forest Friends. I would chose those, if I won!
Grand Canal by Kate Spain. akronne17@gmail.com
Love your patterns! So many cute things, I just need to find more time to sew! Understand about the left side bar and sponsors – a girl has to eat! Thanks for all you do!
Follow you by email. Like your style. Blackbirds and Flowergarden are my favourites. Layer cake Apple orchard would be fun.
Thank you Lorna, for the awesome giveaway. I would choose \”Stepping Stones\” and \”Little Blooms\” quilt patterns. Your patterns are all so cute. I love coming to your blog and seeing all the cute items you make.
Love your patterns! So many cute things, I just need to find more time to sew! Understand about the left side bar and sponsors – a girl has to eat! Thanks for all you do!
Forest Friends and Farm friends are on my radar. Your animals are always so cute.
Jungle friends and blackbirds are the two patterns I would choose.Ohioholman@aol.com
How to decide? I think Forest Friends and the Christmas collection.
I love all your patterns, but the flowers, chickens, and cows are among my favorites. I love your quilt a longs too!!J_dobler@msn.com
Love your Flowers and Elephant Parade patterns-too pretty! Thank you, Susan
Definitely the Hampster quilt and the Black Bird quilt patterns. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com
Boy, hard to chose just one, but I believe I would chose Beverly Park Patty CakeFlaurie & Finch for RJR Fabrics.
Thanks Lorna, I love your pups quilt, which I have made and display in my living room and it still makes me smile! I am looking forward to doing your bear paw quilt too. I do have quite a few of your patterns.
Black Birds and Chicken Ranch. I already have several of your patterns, just love them!!
Oh definitely First Blush!!! Then the Christmas Collection.
Hey Dot by Zen Chic I've been wanting that layer cake
Loving the Mineral Artisan Spirit Shimmer Tiles……
The layer cake I would choose is Fall 2016 Retro 30's Child Smile.
I am leaning toward the compositions by Basic Gray.
I do not buy a lot of precuts, but would probably choose mini muu.Ohioholman@aol.com
Light My Sapphire would be my choice of layer cake! Thank you, Susan
Hometown Girl Prints Layer Cake Pat Sloan for Moda Fabrics. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com
I would have to pick modern luster background. I think these would make cute dogs for your dog gone cute quilt
On the Road Again 10 Karat Mini-Crystals
Lorna, I have come late to your blog- only over the last six months. I have not jumped in on a Quilt along yet, not knowing where to start. I love your simple, strong patterns. I love your sharing. I am thrilled this has led to \”being in the business\” for you. I hope to learn from you and hope you continue the blog. I work hard to keep mine going as I think Instagram and Facebook have little content and continuity. I don't need to win, I just want to say thanks.
So many beaut8ful layer cakes… it's hard to choose just one!! I love the cats in the From Porto With Love layer cake, and anything by Kate Spade.j_dobler@msn.com
I love the Black Birds and the Flowers.
Thank you for all you do. Christmas poinsettia and flower quilt are favorite. Anything with poinsettia, my favorite winter flower.
It's hard to pick, but I love the elephant parade.
Layer cakes which I loveEarth Artisan Spirit Shimmer TilesNorthcott Fabrics TSHIM42-36 is a favorite
Oh, and I'd definitely choose the Caravan Roundup Layer CakeMary Jane Butters for Moda Fabrics. I am a sucker for modern paisley prints!
The two quilts I would pick are On Point & Farm Friends
The Sandpiper Balis are fabulous.
I would choose the flowers pattern and the blackbirds pattern.
totally understand about the affiliate links as I have a couple too – I didn't want to put too many on mine and make it too much of an advertising/selling blog but it does help pull in a little money for my supplies – would love to win the first prize or Ediyta's book!
I love the Modern Quilt Pattern with two foxes (I've been following your blog since I first saw that pattern) and Forest Friends:) I love your blog and appreciated today's post ~ we're all cheering you on and I wish you continued success on your quilty journey!
I love the Caravan Roundup Layer Cake by Mary Jane Butters
I love the dessert bloom layer cake by Sherri and Chelsi.
Durham Quilt Collection is a beauty.
I love the Forest Friends and Butterfly patterns of yours. <3
In regards to layer cakes – I would absolutely LOVE Just Another Walk in the Woods by Stacy Iest Hsu.
Love the little wall hanging patterns that are sewing themed! You do SUCH cool stuff!
I like the whimsical animals like the raccoons and the modernitional bear paw designs.
I really like the WoW-E pattern (just finished piecing it) and the My Pet Hamster patern.maureeneh52@hotmail.com
I need some happy fabric for valentine's day and would get the love cake by Sandy Gervais.
I don't think it looks cluttered at all! Glad to hear that you're taking the next step. Best of luck!!! ๐
I would love to win Ediyta's book. I also like the Love birds and the angle fish patterns. Thank You so much for a chance to win these great prizes.
I love the Christmas pattern and jungle friends!
I like the Baltimore Blues Layer Cake.maureeneh52@hotmail.com
I would love to win Wow-E and On-Point quilt patterns. I love the geometric shapes of them. Thanks so much for sharing
I have been wanting olives flower market layer cake and I didn't get it for Christmas! (sad face)
My favorite patterns are Elephant parade and Blackbirds. Thank you for this giveaway. I really enjoy your blog and Wish you success with your new adventure.
I love any and all of the Batik layer cakes. Lol. Thanks Lorna. I love your tutorials and quilt-a-longs!!
Love your style and patterns! I would pick On Point and Farm Friends patterns.
I would chose Christmas table runner and elephant parade. Matsche.christine@yahoo.com
been following you for awhile and mae your Kissy Fishy pattern and it turned out GREAT! would love to win, Thanks for the opportunity.
I've had my eye on the Spectrum by V and Co layer cake!
I like the backyard pals layer cake.
I would choose Rural Squirrel and Blackbirds. Your patterns are wonderful, and I enjoy seeing your creative process as you work on your new patterns. Thanks for sharing!
I like Little Blooms and Giraffe Family.patsystitch@gvtc.com
From Fat Quarter Shop, I would choose the Love layer cake by Sandy Gervais. I enjoy her designs.
Hi Lorna. I like to read your blog. Your \”On Point\” and \”WoW-E\” pattern and the \”Spectrum\” Layer Cake are my favorite…
So hard to pick just 2 patterns, but Elephant parade and O Canada 150 are a start!
I would choose Forest Friends and Jungle Friends.hijoffeATgmailDOTcom
From your Etsy shop, I love Stepping Stones and Little Blooms, thanks!garvey56@gmail.com
Fat Quarter Shop has I beautiful Baltimore Blues layer cake I would love to have!!
If I had to choose right now, I'd choose the Hummingbird layer cake.hijoffeATgmailDOTcom
Thanks for this giveaway Lorna! Congrats on needing to charge sales tax! OK, so I really like Color Daze by Laundry Basket
I like the Blackbirds and the Bear quilt patterns, but there are many more I like too. ljbisme at msn dot com
This comment has been removed by the author.
I would choose 'squirrels in the park' and 'forrest friends'
Your designs are so unique. I purchased the squirrel pattern and am waiting for the Christmas ornaments to come out in the Christmas quilt along. THank you.
I like Garnet by Nancy Zieman for Penny Rose Fabrics. The reds are delicious! ljbisme at msn dot com
Layer Cake wise I would go for 'Friedlander' 10 inch SquaresCarolyn Friedlander for Robert Kaufman Fabrics
Thanks for the explanation. I should use those sidebars when I make my purchases all the time and will do so from now on.
I have been following you for a while! I like Black Birds and Zebra. Lovely patterns and quilts!
I would like to make Elephant Parade! It would be the perfect baby quilt for my nephew and his wife.
Love the Fat Quarter Shop and Chestnut Street collection.
Your patterns make me happy! Love the puppies!!
Farm Friends and Forest Friends. Many congrats on this milestone!basaran.family@rogers.com
Love the Artisan Spirit Shimmer line!basaran.family@rogers.com
Oh I love them all! But squirrels, hamster and raccoons are it!
I love the Desert Bloom fabrics.
Hummingbirds Bali crackers!
I like your forest friends quilt pattern.
Thank you for explaining the sponsor ads. I never realized that was how it worked. Great giveaway, thank you. timewilltell 63 at yahoo dot com
Congratulations on the success of your quilting business, ๐ค I can relate to those looks and snickers when I tell people I have a quilting business. You are very talented and your patterns are adorable! I would love the ๐ฎ cow pattern and the modern baby quilt pattern (with the foxes) if I happen to win the drawing.
I like your Stepping Stones and the On Point patterns, guess I am more a traditionalist kind of quilter.
Farm Animals and Butterfly/Flowers.Tough question. They are all so adorable.
I love the Racoon and the Blackbird patterns. Honestly- I love them all, but I would start with these. Love them!
Lorikeet Bali Crackers would be wonderful with the butterflies/flowers pattern
I would use Aubade- a song to the dawn from the Fat quarter Shop!
If I win I would love Modern Bear paw and the horse quilt block. I also love your Have a jolly little Christmas too. oh heck, what pattern of yours do I NOT like would have been an easier question. the answer would be I love them ALL! LOL glad you are making quilting your business. you are very talented.
You've come a long way, Lorna, and I've enjoyed watching your blog and your patterns evolve. You are one of the most generous quilt bloggers out there!!! It's time for you to see some return on that ๐
I like the Garden Wall pattern because it would be a great pattern to show off bigger prints. I also think \”Monkey See, Monkey Do\” is so cute!
Fat Quarter Shop – maybe the Bramblewood layer cake?
I already have my 2 favorite patterns (elephants & Bear Paw) but, I really like Giraffe baby quilt and On Point (I love stars).
I like the: Colors KimberBell Basics 10\” Squares KimberBell Designs for Maywood Studios Fabric layer cake and also the: Aubade: A Song to the Dawn Layer Cake Janet Clare for Moda Fabrics. They are fun!
I'm not much on precuts, but, I love the Stonehenge fabric line. I'd choose Festive Metallics Stonehenge by Northcott. My LQS has all the coordinating fabrics.
Hop,Skip and Jump by American Jane
Thank you for the explanation of the ads. So many bloggers make changes and do not bother to say why.I would choose Modern Quilt Pattern (the foxes) and either raccoon or squirrels in the park.
I'm currently in the works of making the Forest Friends pattern, but the Elephant Parade and the Kissing Fish are adorable!
I've got my eye on Tula Pink's Holiday Homies coming out this summer!
Flowers and Blackbirds are my favorite…I think! They are all so wonderful!
So hard to choose just two but I pick Elephant Parade and Teddy Bears!
I would choose the Oxidized Copper Gradations Stonehenge Tiles layer cake. Gorgeous and rich looking.
I would pick the Rural Squirrel and the Farm Friends.
Hop, Skip and a Jump layer cake ๐
I like the Magic colors essentail 10 kara mini gems.patsystitch@gvtc.com
Paintbox Basics by Elizabeth Hartman would be wonderful for the Teddy Bear quilt!
I would probably purchase some of the Hoffman batiks in layer cakes. I am collecting batiks for a couple of quilts.
Your Forest Friends pattern is absolutely unique and every time I see it I think how creative you are!
I love all the patterns but my first choise would be little blooms and the mini quilt I love to quilt.
well, though question. I love them all! but Bikini and Racoon are the most adorable. So fun! xx
With a new grandson I'd choose the Dog Quilt pattern and Kissy Fishy pattern to make for him.cwayons(at)yahoo(dot)com
So many cute patterns! I narrowed it down to black birds and chickens. Guess I have a bird thing.
I would choise the Bonnie and Camille basic layer cake, love the colours and patterns
Hey Dot by Zen Chic… love polka dots of any kind, shape, size and colours!Fat Quarter shop is my 'go to' place!
I love all your patterns but favor the dogs, monkeys and raccoons.I enjoy your blogs and your creativity.
Grand Canal layer cake, because I love Kate Spain's fabrics. Love Fat Quarter Shop and their monthly sample box.
Hard choice to make, but I finally settled on Farm Animals and Forest Friends. Thanks for the chance to win.
Fruit Dots by Melody Miller definitely has all the heart eyes.
From the FQS I'd have to choose the Bonnie & Camille Basics Layer Cake…love their fabrics!cwayons(at)yahoo(dot)com
The Chestnut Street line looks really cute.
I would choose Forest Friends and Blackbirds–love them both!
Love the new Bikini pattern and the Farm Animals pattern. Also love how easy your patterns are to follow and put together. Thank you.
I've had my eye on the Aubade layer cake from Janet Clare.
I love Blackbirds and Squirrels In The Park! Maybe I'll get lucky…
I am so happy to have found you blog. I am slowly but steadily completing my Bear Paw BOM. I am finding it challenging but fun. I like Forest Friends and Butterfly patterns. Thanks for the opportunity to win a wonderful prize.tracinecharest at Gmail dot com
I'm loving your Jolly Christmas quilt along and am looking forward to release of your angel fish.
Thanks for this blog post. I've been thinking along the same lines. I love your Christmas Friends collection and Stepping Stones.
I would choose O Canada and Little Blooms
Just A Speck by Jen Kingwell would be fun to fiddle around with.
Cool L's Modern Basics Origami Squares by Lecien Fabrics looks like a great collection of solids. Thanks for the giveaways!
I would choose the Garden House layer cake.
Okay, now I get it. ๐ I would choose the Christmas Reindeer 12\” block and the Christmas Cardinal.
From the Fat Quarter Shop I would pick Caravan Roundup Layer Cake by Mary Jane Butters for Moda Fabrics tracinecharest at Gmail dot com
I would choose the Valley Layer Cake. Thanks for the opportunity.
Rural Squirrel and Flower Garden are my favourites.
So many lovely layer cakes, but I decided on Woodland Stonehenge Stone TilesNorthcott Fabrics TWOOD42-100
What layer cake? What a hard decision! I finally decided on Batik Colour Daze.
I had no idea you had so many patterns. i would choose cat treats and giraffe family, but there are SO many others I love too!
Jungle Friends and Wow-E are my favorites.
I would choose the spicy kaffe fasset one
Of the patterns that I don't already have, I would like to get Forest Friends and O Canada 150.
Lorna, you are amazing, and so are your talents!!I would choose farm friends, and jungle friends
I would like a little ruby layer cake
I like the Bonnie & Camille Basics layer cake at FQS.
Flowers and Little Blooms.
I'm really glad your quilting business is doing well. I think you sidebar on the left is well done and it doesn't make the blog cluttered or hard to read in my opinion. Some blogs drive me insane with windows opening on top of what I'm reading (to ask me to sign up for something) and ads that pop up at the bottom of photos, blocking part of the image.
I would love to make Forest Friends and Cat Treats. They are too cute. Your patterns are \”SEW FRESH\” and original.
I would pick jungle friends quilt pattern and Farm Friends quilt pattern! They are both so versatile and fun!
Fat Quarter Shop-Vintage Picnic, I love Bonnie and Camille designs.
I love everything Bonnie & Camille, so I'd choose Vintage Picnic!
Laundry Basket Blue Sky. Love the color combo.
I have been eyeing Farm friends and Kissy fishes.
Your Hamsters have stolen my heart since day one! I would would love to have the Pet Hamsters and Rural Squirrel patterns in my collection, for sure!
I am a huge fan of Cotton + Steel so I would choose their Boo layer cake. I love to make Halloween quilts and this fabric is awesome.
Oh I love your blog. I have a couple quilt alongs I've worked at, I bought the squirrels, you know you are just my style. So I love your goodies and we all know it's hard to make money just selling patterns, so I'm all in favor of your ads. Good Job! Yea, I'd like the In the Garden pattern. Keep up the good work!
Love the new look of your blog! I admire your patterns Blackbirds and Squirrels.
Compositions by Basic Grey. I need some neutrals in my stash.
I'd choose the FQS layer cake Hey Dot by Zen Chic. Love those motifs.
the sewing studio and stepping stones quilt patterns are the ones i would pick.
I saw so many layer cakes that I liked that it was hard to choose. So I will just go with the first one that caught my eye — Licorice Bali Crackers Hoffman Fabrics. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
i would pick the hometown girl layer cake.
I have really enjoyed your creativity as I follow your blog. I think I would love to win Elephant Parade and Farm Animals. Both would make darling quilts. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
I would pick Hazelwood Layer Cake One Canoe Two for Moda Fabrics. Thank you so much for your kindness.ramonamurray1959atgmaildotcom
Oh the elephants, flower, and raccoons. So cute.
I would love to buy Wow-everything and Forest Friends quilts. I love your designs, in fact, I tested your Love to Quilt pattern a few years ago and loved it. I've gotten better at testing patterns and you've gone wild with designing them. If you ever need another pattern tester, email me. I'm also on Facebook as Cindydahlgren1. Jadahlgr at Yahoo dot Com
I have been looking at these a lot this past week, I think I am waiting for Boy J is for Jeep.
I love them all! But I'm required to choose two, so…jungle friends and …and…and (argh! I want to choose them all!) flowers. No wait! The cows!
One of the Sweetwater layer cakes ๐
Hi,I love the Stepping Stones pattern and the I Love to Quilt Pattern.
The Layer Cake I would choose is First Crush, I love everything by Sweetwater!
Love your patterns. I would choose \”Forrest Friends\” and the \”Flowers Quilt\” patterns.
Two of my favorite patterns of yours are Stepping Stones and On Point.
I love the True North pattern the best. But Ay Chihuahua was so fun as a mini!Keep up the great work and I will use those links!Julie.mirdoch@shaw.ca
I would choose Reflections by Jo Morton at the Fat Quarter Shop.
Bravo! Love your post – great explanation and great reason for it. ๐
From the Fat Quarter shop I would choose: Stonehenge Gradations Brights Tiles Northcott Fabrics TSTONE42-MFAT.
the zoo animals and farm friends are two of the only ones I haven't purchased yet ๐
I already have several of your fun quilt patterns ๐ but Forest Friends is on my wish list and then it would be either Black Bird or Raccoons …
Farm Friends Bikini's and dogs. sorry couldn't choose just 2 lol
I love all of your comments but my favorites today are the Forest Friends and the Flowers patterns. I must admit that the Teeny Weeny Bikini was a very close third, I had not seen that before and think that would be a super fun lake house couch quilt.
So many cute Layer Cakes! One of my favorites is Grand Canal Layer Cake by Kate Spain for Moda Fabrics ๐
Batiks Southern Exposure Layer Cake
I love following your blog, and am so glad you are able to make it into a working business. Thank you for the inspiration!
I like the patterns \”Cat Treats\” and \”Jungle Friends\”.
I don't mind the sponsorship and appreciate the links to useful and relevant information. I have a some little people who'd like the butterfly quilt and the farm friends.
I would love the Vintage Crayola Confetti Cottons. Working with lots of color pleases me!
I love your Flowers Quilt and Jungle Friends! I also love Dog Gone and plan to make it soon.
Layer cake: reflections by Jo Morton
I already read your blog daily and enjoy it tons. I think that it is a logical and good business step to add the sidebar and don't mind the new look at all but I have found that I adjust to blog styles very easily if I enjoy the content as I do with your yours.Upon perusing the Fat Quarter Shop's selection of Layer Cakes I really liked the Grand Canal by Kate Spain today. My selection of these is changes daily is influenced by heaven only knows, mood, moon phase, my breakfast or unknown factors.
O Canada and the lap quilt pattern! one for me and one for my son (for a change) Thank you for your hard work on all these wonderful patterns!
Love your blog and your patterns.
Fox and Friends and the Canada 150 pattern
elephant parade and black birds
I love ALL your patterns but I would choose Blackbirds and Dog Quilt
compositions by basic grey
So hard to pick only two, but I would select Elephants on Parade and Giraffe Family.
I would choose Stepping Stones and Christmas Pointsettia. Thanks!Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
For the layer cake I would pick Olive's Flower Market.
Fat Quarters. Hummingbird Blai Crackers
I would choose the Oak Haven layer cake. Thanks!Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
Great patterns; love them all. The top two I would pick the Chihuahuaquilt and the Cat Treats quilt.
I love the \”On Point\” quilt pattern and the \”Little Blooms\” quilt pattern.
I would choose the Grand Traverse Bay layer cake.
I would love to have the dogs pattern and the elephant pattern.
I LOVE the Lap Quilt and the woW quilt! Thank you so much for the giveaway!
I love stepping stones and the black birds quilt.
I love the Aubade, A Song To The Dawn layer cake. Thank you, again!
I love Kathy Schmitz so I would choose Garden Notes.
The Butterfly quilt pattern & Jungle Friends. This was a very informative post~ thank you! I always wondered how those affiliate links worked. ๐
Choosing a layer cake was just as hard as choosing 2 patterns! But since I am in the mood for Valentine's day I would choose Hello Love. ๐ Thanks for the fun!
How can I only choose two?!! OK the racoons (because they are just so cute and I really wish we had them here) and elephant parade! Thanks for the fantastic giveaway Lorna. It was a really interesting post and great to know the difference between sponsors and affiliate links.
It's all about low volume and text at the minute so I would chose Compositions Layer Cake BasicGrey for Moda Fabrics – thanks!
I've loved the Raccoon pattern since you made it. And also the giraffe family. You are very talented.
Fat Quarter Shop's Sew Cherry 2 by Lori Holt would be fun to have. Karen
From the Fat Quarter Shop I would love to have Hop Skip & Jump
I love your little bird pattern. So heartwarming and uplifting.
I am not sure about the Layer Cake….always looking at what is new coming out.
I would pick the alligators and the hamsters
I would pick Friedlander, I love all of the Carolyn Friedlanders designs.
Hi there Lorna! Your blog is always such a pleasure to read and you are so very generous with what you have taught us all and shared with us…thank you very much!I love your patterns and I have followed along on some of your wonderful quilt-a-longs. I am enjoying the, \”Have a Jolly Little Christmas\” quilt along and love the first 2 blocks! I have my calendar marked and my stash ready for the next one! The side bar is a great addition to your blog and you will be such a great asset to your sponsors. I would pick Forest Friends and Squirrels in the Park if my name were picked but your patterns are all so great that I would be over the moon happy with any of them.Congratulations on your continued success! You go girl!! ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ
The cake layer I would choose is Spectrum by V & Co. Thank you for a chance at winning one of your giveaway goodies! Good luck everybody!! Have a wonderful day!!!
Oh my you are so very kind to share. I love all your patterns, but currently I'm in the market for dog patterns, so I like Chihuahua dogs or Dog Gone.
Little Blooms and Stepping Stones. Both are gorgeous!
I like the Desert Bloom layer cake. Thanks for the chance to win!
Flowers Quilt and the Angel Fish quilt! It's hard to pick just two!!Susie
I have several of your quilt patterns and they are written so well…it makes it a pleasure to sew! If I were to choose two other patterns, I have been spying your Bear Paw Quilt and the Giraffe Love Baby Quilt patterns. They are just adorable. Crossed fingers I win! Thank you for your blog it is an inspiring site.Always,Julie M
I'd use Rainy Day Layer Cake by Me & My Sister Designs , and Olive's Flower Market Layer Cake by Lella Boutique !Susie
You are working hard and perfectly all right to get paid back. I would choose your jungle and farm friends. These are so fun.
I really like the hop, skip and jump layer cake thanks for the chance to win.
These 2 caught my eye: Aubade: A Song to the Dawn Layer Cake Janet Clare for Moda Fabrics and Clean Slate Essential 10 Karat Mini-Jewels Wilmington Prints
I live the zebra and raccoon patterns.
Forest Friends and Blackbirds are the two I like the best.
The Hazelwood Layer Cake is my favorite.
courtyard layer cake
This shows that you're growing and that's a good thing! Congrats!
I just love your Animal Quilt pattern- the crocodile and the Raccoons too!
I just love your Animal Quilt pattern- the crocodile and the Raccoons too!My favorite layer cake is Gareden Nites by Kathy Schmitz. FQS has the best selection!
I would choose your Kissy Fish & Flowers patterns.
I would choose the Neutral Bella Solids Layer Cake at the Fat Quarter Shop.
love your patterns. I have the Zebra one in my \”to do \” pile.
It's hard to narrow it down to just two. I think my favorites are the Wow-E and the Flower quilt. I am currently working on your Holly Jolly Christmas Quilt along and having so much fun with it. Thanks so much for sharing!
I would choose Cat Treats and Chicken Ranch. So many cute ones, it was hard to pick just two!
Hi Lorna: I have many of the patterns but I think I'd go for the cat face pdf because I have a cat loving friend who would love it….and maybe the foxes under the trees…I've always loved it.
The layer cake I would choose is Spectrum Layer Cake V & Co. for Moda Fabrics.
This comment has been removed by the author.
The layer cake I would pick would be from Porto with Love….I think.
I would choose the zebras and WoWie. Or the hamsters. Or the cats and fish…oh snap I love them ALL! Thank you for such fun patterns. And I am thrilled that you are doing well enough to need to upgrade to advertisers! Way to Go!
I love the Forest Friends and Doggone Cute patterns and would love to win them. They are fabulous, but the new quilt along Christmas quilt is incredible! Thanks Lorna!
Patterns–Little Blooms and Flowers.
I would get a B&C layer cake–Handmade or Basics.
So many wonderful choices! Today, I'd choose On Point and Little Blooms patterns.
Oh Layer cakes!! Mmmm! I love From Porto with love. And Darling little dickens…oh and any one of the Batiks…
I think the perfect layer cake for me would be Arabella. My sister out law and her hubby just finished building their home and the colors are perfect for the new decor!
I love the Desert Bloom layer cake! So pretty!
I would pick the Modernitional Bear Paw pattern and the WoW-E pattern. It was hard to pick just two!Sandy A
I would pick the Aunt Grace layer cake!Sandy A
I saw one with a cat i think its called sew porto. Im cat crazy!But the solids oculd be handy also
Forest Friends and Squirrels in the Park would be my picks.
Every time you come out with something new it becomes my favorite. Especially loving the Christmas patterns at the moment cuz before the holidays I was busy creating things for our church Bazzar. We are fought up on our prayer quilts and now I get to make something for me.
Slow & Steady would be my layer cake of choice.
I would be grateful to win any of your amazing layer cakes. I find loves layer cake to be scrumptious this time of year. ๐
I have many of your patterns. I have made elephant parade and dog quilt. I have hamsters and more. Would love to win giraffes and monkeys.
Hiya!!! I would love the Farm Friends pattern and the Jungle Friends pattern. I have a new great-grandson (my first) and I would love to make either one (or both) of these for him. Thanks for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!! pamspretties57 at gmail dot com
I love the layer cake Just another walk in the woods. Thanks
Hiya!!! I really like the Boo! Tens by Ten Cotton & Steel layer cake. Thanks for having the giveaway. Blessed be, hugs!!!pamspretties57 at gmail dot com
Fox and friends. Black birds is lovely too.
Lorna, You are my new FaVoriTE quilt designer! I love your quilts. The Farmyard Animals and DOg gone cute are absolutely fantastic!! Your techniques are what really get me inspired. Thank you!!
I love your Black Birds pattern and also the Poinsettia table runner, but it's really hard to choose. You have so many cute designs!
I have purchased and made a couple of your quilts, I love your instructions and my quilts have turned out perfectly!!! I would love to make your Farm Friends and Forrest Friends quilts next!
I love the Fat Quarters From Porto With Love by Cotton and Steele…great shop great fabric choices!!!
I think I would choose Pumpkin Pie Prints Layer Cake Laundry Basket Quilts for Moda Fabrics.
I'm still getting complements on my Mod Bear Paw. Thanks for all you do for the quilting community!
I like Forest Friends and O Canada.
love mini forest friends and O canada
Light My Sapphire Essential 10 Karat Mini-Jewels
On the Etsy shop I would buy Cow quilt block and the elephant quilt block.
At Fat Quarter Shop I would purchase the Macaroon Bali Crackers layer cake by Hoffman Fabrics
There are so many cute ones to choose from. I would have to say Farm Friends and Kyss Me by the Garden Wall.
I love your Dog Quilt pattern and your Flowers pattern.
I am in the mood for Citrus Burst Kona Solids. ๐ I could make something fantastic out of that!
I would select your Farm Friends and Jungle Friends quilt patterns.
I would select your Farm Friends and Jungle Friends quilt patterns
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Any of the items would be fantastic to win, but if I should get chosen for two of your patterns, I love the Raccoons and the Chihuahuas! Canbesweet@aol.com
From the Fat Quarter Shop, I would choose \”Anne of Green Gables\” layer cake. I saw a quilt just the other day using that layer cake and it was lovely. I think my granddaughter would love it. Thanks! Canbesweet@aol.com
I'd pick your Jungle Friends and Flowers quilt patterns.jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
Okay, that was tough! But I have always adored your Lap Quilt pattern(that was the easy one!) and Wow E is the other I really think I would make! (It was tough to not pick those squirrels! Lol!)
Okay that was a little easier… Hazelwood, by 1Canoe2 ๐
Even in just the 2ish plus years I have been following your blog, you have grown your quilting business so much and it has been so exciting to watch. Inspirational, actually. I have a handful of bloggers that I consider mentors and, Lorna you are one of them. Just from reading your blog, I have learned so much. I'm excited to see your sponsor addition!
I would love to get my hands on an Into the Garden layer cake by Amanda Herring for Riley Blake Designs. We may or may not have a charm pack at the house that I got for David for Christmas…man I'd love to play with those beauties.
Flowers and little blooms would be my choice of patterns.
I am addicted to precuts. Cutting fabric is my least favorite thing to do. I love the Hop Skip and Jump layercake.
I really like the dog quilt (it's doggone cute!) and the Canada quilt!
I've had my eye on the Latitude (by Kate Spain) layer cake at FQS!
I would choose Jungle Friends and Kissy Fishy
I would choose Hey Dot layer cake from FQS
I'd chose black bird and Love to sew
I'd chose handmade by Bonnie and Camille
The on point quilt pattern and the twin quilt patterns!
Lori Holt confetti cottons!!!
I would like Farm Friends and one of the squirrel patterns. A78mandel (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi there Lorna…long-time blog reader here!I had a hard time choosing 2 of your patterns since I have already bought several of the ones I wanted! But…I do love the Raccoons quilt pattern and the cat block pattern!Tha
Hi again Lorna,I would choose the Bonnie & Camille Basics Layer Cake!Thanks & Quilty Huggs!
Thank you so much for this chance. ๐ Congrats on your success.I am forever in LOVE with the Forest Friends pattern. And love the Christmas Collection too. Thank you again
Whoops, forgot to say which fabric cakeBees N Blooms would be a nice set.Thank you again
Hi LornaThank you for adding the blog sponsors to your side bar. I like vendor links when they are pertinent to the blog I am visiting. AND if I can accept them as a recommendation. I love your blog and your patterns. If I win 2 of them, it would be hard to choose which ones to select.Thanks for the post today. I'm sure many will support your discussion to add the vendors.xx, Carol
Congratulations on meeting this business milestone and making a decision that you feel is best for you, your family and your business! I hope to be in your shoes one day ๐
I love the farm friends and the raccoon faces
Congratulations, Lorna on the success of your quilt design business and blogging venture. I always enjoy reading your posts and seeing your designs. It is hard for me to pick just two favourite patterns but I think will go with the Modern Quilt and the Zebra pattern.
Another very hard decision. I love layer cakes. My favourite—Bees n' Blooms by Kansas Troubles.
Forest Friends & Jungle Friends
Beverly Park
I would choose Forest Friends and Dog quilt. Thanks! tljeo at yahoo dot com
For the layer cake I would choose Caravan Roundup Layer Cake Mary Jane Butters for Moda Fabrics. Thank you! tljeo at yahoo dot com
Teddy Bears! And probably the giraffe family. You have so many great patterns!Good for you for adding sponsors, and for being open about why you are doing so. I think it's great, and I will pay more attention to blogs that I visit and which sponsors they have that I use anyway. I like your point about it being good for everyone–shoppers, shops, and bloggers.
So many layer cakes to choose from! But I'd probably pick Grand Canal by Kate Spain. I've always loved her fabrics. I still regret not buying kudzu several years ago.
The two patterns I would chose are \”O Canada 150\” and \”Christmas Collection\”. All your patterns are amazing. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!!
My favourite layer cake is the Mini Muu Spring 2016 from the Fat Quarter Shop! Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Apple Farm layer cake at the Fat Quarter Shop! So cute!
Kiss me by the garden gate and the Little Blooms patterns are my favorites.
I visited Fat Quarter Shop and would chose the Bella Solids layer cake.
I'd use a Chestnut Street layer cake from Fig Tree Quilts to make the Garden Gate quilt
I already have a couple of your patterns but would love the farm animals or the I love to quilt pattern, which I will eventually order if I can't win them! Love your patterns!
Definitely Butterfly and Black Birds.
Garnet by Nancy Zieman for Penny Rose Fabrics
I really like your Canada 150 years pattern and the Love to quilt wall hanging.. It sounds like you are having a grand journey and enjoying the process. Regards from Alberta, Anna (quiltmom anna)
I found your post very interesting and understand where you are coming from. Thanks for taking us into consideration. II own a few of your patterns and still have my eye on Forest Friends and Raccoon Quilt pattern.
I would love to have your dog pattern and one of the I love to quilt wall hanging patterns. The layer cake of choice would be the Tula Pink chipper 10\” squares!
I like Quilt Pattern Little Blooms and Butterfly Quilt Pattern. I know you said 2, but wanted you to know that I really love the wall hanging I Love 2 Quilt. I remember when you were working on that one and the I Love to Sew pattern. Thanks for sharing you talent and time to share with us. poladydwd(dot)yahoo(dot)com
So many wonderful layercakes to choose from. Today I would pick Bramblewood or Little Ruby.
Love theForestfriends pattern!!!
There are so many to choose but anything by Tula Pink would be my choice!!
I love Hope's Journey 1830-1860 Moda poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would totally like to get Forest Friends and Jungle Friends. Oh wait, Stepping Stones and Butterfly. It's so hard to choose–you've been so busy creating cute patterns this year! And I would love the orange peel template pack, too.reillyr2(at)hotmail(dot)com
If I could shop at Fat Quarter Shop, I would pick Latitude Batiks by Kate Spain for Moda. Anything by Kate Spain, really!reillyr2(at)hotmail(dot)com
I love the penguin quilt and WoW-E patterns
For the Layer Cake I would definitely have to go with Batiks Southern Exposure Layer Cake Laundry Basket Quilts for Moda Fabrics as i have always been partial to batiks!!
I would choose the elephant parade and then I would spend hours trying to decide but probably end up with the birds ๐
At FQS, the #love…I'm always up for pink and red! Bethastrand@gmail.com
Black Birds and Elephant Parade
From Fat Quarter Shop I would pick the From Pronto C&S Layer Cake
๐ 2 quilt, and 1 of the foxes.
I have had my eye on \”pumpkin pie batiks\” Thank you for the chance. ๐
I think it's great that you are adding sponsors. From your patterns I would pick On Point and Fox and friends.
The moda Bella modern layer cake would be fun!
Love the pinwheels! The fabrics are bright and fun! I just might have to quit what I am working on and make one!
WowE and Little Blooms I think I would pick.
So many choices, but I think Manderley or Kimberbell Basics.
That new bikini pattern is so fun. I wish I had a beach house to display it in.
That new bikini pattern is so fun. I wish I had a beach house to display it in.
I like the cardinal and of course the elephant parade (which I purchased from you before Christmas).
I just ordered the bikini pattern. I also love the chickens on the ranch and farm animals pattern.
I like the 1930s Colors Bella Solids Layer Cake.
I really love Blackbirds and Forest Friends! Sweet, sweet patterns.Thanks! nettiecrain@live.com
I really enjoy seeing all the inspiration that comes from your Blogspot! Keep up the good work.nettiecrain@live.com
The patterns I would chose would be Little Blooms and Fox and Friends.
I would chose Pumpkin Pie for a layer cake.
I would like to win the Forest Friends and Zebra patterns…Love them both. I would like to win Crayola Confetti Cotton 10\” Layer cake. Thanks.
I would like Crayola Confetti Cotton 10\” squares.
Your emails are the joy in my day!! Thank you for all you do Lorna!!I would choose your Ugly Sweater and Christmas Collection patterns
The layer cake I would choose from Fat Quarter Shop is the Behind the ScenesI am looking forward to the release of your Forest Friends 2 pattern!! It was hard to pick 2 of your patterns as I have already purchased so many of them since they are so incredible
I would pick Sew Cherry, I love the prints in this collection!
Black birds and Canada 150!! Love those beavers! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot0com
Fat Quarter Shop is great! Love those Charming Little Dickens (sheep are sweet!!!) mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com
It is hard to pick only 2 but my first 2 picks would be the Baby Quilt Pattern and the On Point Quilt Pattern.Thank you!
From the Fat Quarter Shop I would choose the Anne of Green Gables layer cake. I am in love with that new fabric line!
Sooo many beautiful patterns… I think I would get the O Canada 150 pattern (being a fellow Canadian) and then I have a difficult time deciding between Stepping Stones and On Point!!!
The first blush pattern is very pretty.
The horse block quilt pattern and farm friends are both very nice & look like fun.
Behind the scenes layer cake is lovely.
I visited the Fat Quarter Shop…. too many beautiful choices. I love Chipper by Tula Pink, Bonnie and Camille Basics, Grand Canal by Kate Spain, Caravan Roundup……….
Tough choice! I'd like the Santa Claus table runner & Chicken Ranch patterns.
I'd love the Grand Canal layer cake.
Tough choice! I'd like the Santa Claus table runner & Chicken Ranch patterns.
I would choose Emerald Forest Essential and Grand Traverse Bay ('cause it's home!)
The Fleurs Layer cake at the Fat Quarter Shop!
The Rural Squirrel quilt pattern! My daughter would love this!
I love your Cows and Racoons patterns
Maybe Elizabeth Hartman's Pond?
Two favorite patterns are the giraffes and the squirrels!
My favourite patterns are Jungle Friends and the penguins! The Christmas blocks are a very close third ๐
I'm loving the Jol fabrics right now, so will have to go with that layer cake!
I like the rural squirrel, black bird, and forest friends. I think the rural squirrel is the pattern that lured me to your site! Haha! I've followed several QAL's from you and have yet to actually sew one. I'm determined to make the Christmas one!
Picking a favorite layer cake! That's a tough one! I'll say Nordic Holiday because I'm looking for more Christmas fabric!
I really like the flower block quilt and the elephant block.
My favorite layer cake is the traditional holiday flourish.
Rural Squirrel and Giraffe Love make me smile so much!
Just A Speck and Lorikeet Bali Crackers as layer cakes from FQS. For your patterns: Kiss Me At The Garden Wall and Modern Fox Quilt with the trees.
Love the Elephant parade…… It is on my cutting table and the Raccoon pattern…
Vintage crayola cottons…… that Layer cake looks like i could do a lot with it…….
Your new Flowers quilt called to me right from when I first saw the pattern. Then more so, once I saw the completed quilt. As for Cat Treats … just too darned cute. I would be giggling away, the whole time I made that one! ๐
I'd be thrilled to have Marcus Bros' Aunt Grace layer cake. Just so gentle and soft looking.
I'd pick the Cool L's Modern Basics layer cake.jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
I would choose the forest friends quilt and the flowers or elephants on parade.
Wow, I just spent way too much time thinking about what layer cake I would choose. I think I would select Audubade or Composition Layer Cake
I love blackbird and your wow-e patterns. But really I love them all and I am so happy you are able to do this as a business!!
Kyss Me By the Garden Wall and WoW-E Quilt PatternThank you for the giveaway.
Beverly Park Patty Cake by Flaurie & Finch for RJR Fabrics and Durham Quilt Collection Origami Squares by Lecien Fabrics.Thank you for the giveaway.
Thanks for the giveaway, I'd purchase the Wow-E and the Watermelon patterns.
For the layer cake, Manderley is calling my name!
modern quilt blah blah blah…foxes! (under the tree)and the dog (head) quilt pattern
I like the mineral artisan spirit layer cake
Thanks for sharing. It's too bad that you have to charge tax, but it's also a great thing because it means your business is doing so well. Congratulations. It's hard to choose from your great patterns, but today's choices would be Penguins and O'Canada.
I like the Hey Dot layer cake from Fat Quarter Shop.
Flowers quilt pattern and Sew quilt pattern.
Fleurs layer cake or Apple farm layer cake.
O Canada 150 and Black Birds. Love them all!
Love that Vintage Crayola layer cake. Among others…
I love the Christmas Poinsettia 12\” Quilt Block Pattern, and the Giraffe Love baby Quilt Pattern.
Light My Sapphire Essential 10 Karat Mini-Jewels Wilmington Prints
LORNA, My heart is sew happy for you to have persevered and found your dream. You are truly an inspiration for me as I work towards the goal. Don't quit before the miracle happens I say. I love Elephant Parade and Blackbirds, and your tutorials and your quilt alongs, and your sidebars and everything. I need to be an affiliate. Hugs to you!
I love your animal patterns, love the bear
Generous of you to giveaway such fun prizes! I like the Chicken Ranch and Blackbirds patterns. So fun!
I already have your black birds pattern, so I think I would choose Elephant Parade & Wow-E
The Christmas Collection set of 15 blocks and Jungle Friends Quilt Pattern. Boy, it was hard to choose just two!
From The Fat Quarter Shop I love Bonnie & Camille's Basics!
i love them all but especially the Garden quilt and first blush
I would choose the desert dream layer cake. It's so hard to choose!!
Definitely the flower garden quilt pattern!! So cool!!! Good luck everyone!!!!
Giraffe Family and Chicken Ranch are sooo cute!
From the Fat Quarter Shop I like Cool Kaffe Fassett Collective 10\” Squares. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I think I'd choose fox and friends and the crocodile ๐
I'd choose cotton and steel Trinket from FQS ๐
Running your business sounds like a challenge in itself! Congratulations on your success. I really like the rural squirrels and forest friends. actually anything with nature~ Have a blessed day!
Chestnut Street Layer Cake would be my choice for the day from Moda Bakeshop~
I'm so happy that you've taken this step, it's quite an accomplishment! The patterns I've had my eyes on are Flowers and Chicken Ranch
It was hard to pick a layer cake, I had several in mind until I scrolled down to Lorikeet. You see, I had lorikeets in my life for over 20 years, while they can be stinkers, they're lovable, they're quite the clowns and very entertaining.
It is so hard to choose! Goldie and Jewel are so pretty but I love pretty much all of them! lol
I love the Light My Sapphire Essential 10 Karat Mini-Jewels Wilmington Prints. But again, Sooo many that I love, it is really hard to choose!
You are \”sew\” very talented, great patterns, and I'm doing the Christmas quilt along and really enjoying it! Thank you for all you do and share! IS love the Stepping Stones.
Any of the prizes would be great to win, thanks for the chance!
Besides stepping stones, the cat treats pattern is adorable, would be such fun to make!
Fat Quarter Shop has \”sew\” many beautiful layer cakes to pick from, but I think I would like Caravan Roundup Layer Cake by Mary Jane Butters for Moda Fabrics.
Congratulations on the success of your business!! All your patterns are adorable!! I would love the Elephant Parade and Stepping Stones. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I would like the Hummingbird Bali Crackers Layer Cake.
I would choose WoW-E and and Kissy Fishy for my patterns.lin.web.28 at gmail dot com
At The Fat Quarter Shop I'd choose the Beverly Park Patty Cake layer cake.lin.web.28 at gmail dot com
Flowers and the Christmas collection! I love your candid and chatty writing style!!! Keep up the good work!
Flowers and the Christmas collection! I love your candid and chatty writing style!!! Keep up the good work!
Grasslands in Kona Cotton for the Layer cake. bluestarof2(at)yahoo(dot)com
I love the Butterfly quilt and Little blooms!
I love to have the Kujira & Star layer cake!
Your patterns are so darling. I'd choose forest friends and black birds. Thanks!
I love all your pattern! I think flower garden an butterflies are my favourite today
I like the aunt grace layer cake
I like the bikini pattern, and the dog pattern, but I had a difficult time deciding, I like them all.
I love the Black Birds quilt and the Foxes under the tree quilt and one day I will feel confident enough, and capable, to make them. Love your fresh ideas, very inspirational for a beginner.
So many beautiful fabrics in those layer cakes it's really difficult to pick one but Wistful Winds looks bright and cheerful and very tempting.
I would love the kiss fishy and my pet hamster patterns to add to my blackbird and zebra quilts
I would choose the behind the scenes layer cake one of my favourite collections
Thanks for the giveaway! I would pick Farm Friends and Modernitional Bear Paw.
I would pick Silver Linings in Color from the FQS.
Congrats on all the growth! Wow-E and Little Blooms.
Lila by Lotta Jansdotter. Thanks!
I love them all! Would love to win and make my choice on the spur of the moment. How fun that would be ๐
I would purchase Elephant Parade and the Flowers quilt pattern.
Wow-E and On Point are awesome!
Hi Lorna, so glad things are progressing so well. What a great giveaway. I would purchase Giraffe Love and Monkey see monkey do. I'm a baby quilt person.
Lorna, congratulations on this big step in your quilting/sewing adventure! You are immensely talented and such a positive person! You will be a great success!!