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Sew Fresh Quilts – New Year’s Resolution

Posted on: December 24th, 2012 by Lorna McMahon

I have never been one to make (or follow through with) New Year’s Resolutions.  But this year I am determined to make and keep some quilting/blogging resolutions.  Perhaps they will be easier than losing weight or quitting smoking!  Perhaps not… However, I am certain these resolutions will far less painful to accomplish. Here is my list of Quilting Resolutions for 2013:

1) Convince at least one high speed internet service provider that we do not live in the Canadian version of the Bermuda triangle.

2) Make a blog post at least once per month.

3) Share pictures of my quilts in progress and every finished Sew Fresh Quilt.

4) Make quilt labels and incorporate them into a pieced backing as seen in the new book Skip The Borders by Julie Herman of Jaybird Quilts.

5) Use binding flange on some projects.  Julie also mentions this technique in her book.  For anyone who is tired of sewing the binding onto the back of a quilt by hand, Yolanda has a great tutorial on adding a machine pieced binding and flange together.  This method uses machine stitching to attach the binding and flange to the back of the quilt.  The final side of the binding flange is then wrapped to the front of the quilt and top stitched in place by quilting in the ditch where the flange and binding meet.

6) Design original quilt patterns and instructions.

7) Develop a business plan to sell some Sew Fresh Quilts.

Lorna of Sew Fresh Quilts wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and a Quilty New Year!!!!

One Response

  1. Debbie says:

    Great goals! Hope you've managed at least a few of them!!